Release: Magic 1.6

Release: Magic 1.6

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Our Magic plugin is primarily known for its email-based, password-free authentication capabilities. However, Magic Pro is packed with features, especially for automation, enabling workflows that wouldn’t otherwise be feasible without complex approval scenarios.

A core feature is Campaigns, which can be used for everything from course enrollments to role assignments via forms. Now, we’re taking it a step further.

What’s new in Magic?

New features for campaigns

User application

Depending on your role, you can apply as an individual, sign up existing team members, or add new users. For campaigns requiring approval, submissions will be reviewed and processed before assignments are finalized.

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Restrict access

Access can be limited based on the user’s role, either system-wide or within a specific context. Additionally, campaign access can be controlled through cohort assignments, allowing you to specify which cohorts or even multiple cohorts a user must belong to in order to gain access.

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The expiry settings allow you to set a time limit for user access by selecting either a fixed date or a duration in days, weeks, months, or years. When enabled, several actions can be taken upon expiry like suspending/deleting users, adding/removing from cohorts, unassigning global role and notifications before expiry.

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Approval workflows

Requiring different levels of confirmation from users and parents. Options include no approval, simple confirmation via email, or a more structured opt-in/opt-out process involving both the user and a parent. These settings help manage user registration, access, and parental involvement, ensuring compliance with specific campaign requirements.

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New report source: Campaigns

In Moodle’s report builder, a data source for Magic campaigns is available. It includes key metrics and detailed statistics related to each campaign, helping administrators track user participation, campaign performance, and other relevant data.

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New Dash data source for campaigns

Display available campaigns with our Dash block.

Magic Pro and Dash Basic are required. – The free version of our Dash plugin is sufficient for a simple display within a Dash block.

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