
Visualize course progress

Display the progress visually using different images for activities and sections that are completed. This enables learners to quickly see their achievements, enhancing motivation and transparency.

Related plugin: Designer

Related plugin: Level Maps

Interactive learning worlds

Break up traditional course layouts and transform your courses into interactive learning worlds. No more lists, tiles, or links to learning content – create something meaningful and visually appealing. This immersive experience captivates learners and encourages exploration.

Related plugin: Level Maps

Earn points for learning

Add a layer of motivation with a digital currency, such as credits or skill points. Award credits to learners during their learning journey to implement your unique gamification concept.

Related plugin: Pulse

Get rewards for points earned

Introduce rewards to acknowledge accomplishments and attach real-life value to your digital currency. This system creates a tangible incentive for learners to engage with the content.

Related plugin: Credit

Hall of fame 

Recognize and celebrate learners‘ achievements with a badge wall. Showcase available badges and highlight the ones learners have received. This acknowledgment fuels a sense of accomplishment.

Visualize competency levels

Display competencies as a graph to offer a clear, data-driven view of progress and proficiency. This provides an alternative view for your learners to create a better understanding of their current skills and remaining skill gaps.

Related plugin: Dash

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