With this data source, teachers can analyze activity completion rates across courses without needing to access each individual course they manage. Moreover, they can use the activity completion report to override the completion status of an activity. In corporate environments, especially for on the job training (OJT), it’s not the teacher but the line manager that is responsible for the OJTs and thus has to both see their status and often even mark them complete.
The activities completion datasource offers the same fields, filters and conditions as the datasource “Activities”, but with details to their completion status on top of it.
Upon selecting this category, admins gain the flexibility to enable or disable specific data fields related to activities and activity completion, as well as overarching data fields such as “course” and “course category,” ensuring a customized display. They can choose to showcase activity details including activity completion status, grade or actions. Additionally, users have the option to display course-related fields for the courses associated with these activities, such as course names, start dates, statuses, course categories, or course category URLs.
If the Time Management plugin is installed, the data fields activity start date and due date can also be displayed.
Furthermore, users can activate various filter options including course, learning outcomes, target audience and more, facilitating streamlined access to relevant information.
Moreover, administrators can apply data limitations based on conditions such as course categories, courses, activity completion status, module name or cohorts.
Please note: Due to the complexity of overriding completion status, this feature is currently available as a beta version.
Data Fields
Activity completion
- Completion override by
- Completion override date
- Due date
- Start date
Activity grade
- Grade max
- Grade to pass
- Current grade
- Activity button
- Toggle completion
- Grade activity
- Activity name
- Activity Name (linked)
- Description
- ID number
- Activities tags
- Type
- Module Name
- Module icon
- Module purpose
- Completion status
- Completion date
- Due date
- Section
- Section link
- Path
- Created date
- Last modified date
- Activity image
- Activity image url
- Activity image link
- Short name
- Full name
- Course start date
- ID number
- Summary
- Course URL
- Course button
- Course image URL
- Course image
- Course image link
- Format
- Enable completion tracking
- Course tags
- Total activities
- Users completed
- Users not completed
- Status
- Enrollment options
- Smart course button
- <custom fields>
Course category
- Category name
- Category URL
- Category
- Course
- Module Name
- Activities tags
- Type
- Module purpose
- Status (as multi-select)
- User
- Activity
- Promotion
- Publication date
- Target Audience
- Type
- Learning outcomes
- Teaser
- Course categories
- My enrolled courses
- Courses
- Activities tags
- Course dates (as multi-select)
- Users I manage
- Logged in user
- Cohorts
- Users in one of my cohorts
- Activity completion status
- Module name (as multi-select)
- Status (as multi-select)