We are thrilled to announce that we’ve made the release candidate of Video Time 1.5 available today. It’s a significant update from the previous version and comes with great new features.
Here are the release notes:
- New Interface with tabs
- Tabs implemented as subplugins (we’ll add more tabs soon!)
- Watch tab (100% width)
- Information tab (split screen with variable ratio, content left, player right)
- Vimeo Player updated to latest version
- Improved embed options
- Improved moodle plugin CI compliance
- Group support in video time report
- Added support for do not track
- Added support for autopause
- Added support for background
- Added support for controls
- Added support for picture in picture
- Toast notification shows up when fast forwarding was prevented
- Transcript tab (split screen with variable ratio, transcript left, player right)
- Captions and subtitles from vimeo are now available in moodle
- Mutliple language support for captions and subtitles
- Interactive transcript: current caption/subtitle is highlighted; clicking on timecode jumps to time in video (unless prevent fast forwarding does not allow that)
- Global search support for subtitles and captions
- Search results link directly to the correct time
As always, if you have any questions or would like to suggest a new feature, please do not hesitate to contact us!
Happy new year!
(Founder of bdecent )