Release Content Designer 1.2

Question Bank integration in Content Designer!

We’re excited to announce that you can now integrate questions from your Question Bank directly into your learning content within a Content Designer activity!

Reuse your existing questions or create new ones with Moodle’s variety of question types. This feature is perfect for quick knowledge checks after a text or final tests at the end of a learning unit.

For students, answering questions is easy and feels natural – ideal for informal assessments. Essay submissions are also supported, with convenient manual grading via the activity report.

What’s new in Content Designer?

New element: Questions

Integrate interactive questions directly from the question bank into Content Designer. Choose from various question types, customize behavior settings such as direct or delayed feedback, and decide if the question should be mandatory. Global settings allow for site-wide customization, including options to display correct answers, marks, feedback, and more. Teachers can also manage manual grading (e.g., essays) conveniently via the activity report.

Here, a multiple choice question is integrated after the learning nugget to check comprehension.

Demo course:

In this example, the correct words have to be dragged and dropped into the right space.

Additionally, the question is styled with a background color.

Demo course:

Students can also upload essays or other files directly within the Content Designer activity.

Demo course (login required for this feature):

Teachers can view their students’ progress directly in the activity report and grade the uploaded essays within the same view.

Comments added by the teacher to the grade can be viewed by the students in the activity after grading.

In the report, you can sort by column headings, hide columns, and when you click on a grade, a window opens showing the question element filled out by the student.

In this example, the question requires selecting the correct answer from a dropdown menu after watching a video.

Additionally, the question is styled with a background color.

Demo course:

True and false questions can also be integrated. After submitting an answer, feedback can be displayed, as defined in the question bank.

Demo course:

After conclusion questions, relevant (image) elements can be integrated, as shown here with a fitting outro. All elements can be aligned to create a smooth learning flow.

Demo course:

Duplication function for activities and chapters

We have added a time-saving functionality enabling content creators to quickly duplicate activities and chapters.

Improved progress bar

The progress bar reflects the number of completed chapters.
New: A checkmark icon indicates that a chapter has been completed. Upon returning to the activity, the learner starts at the top of the activity and can navigate to the desired chapter by clicking on it or using the CTA button.

Other improvements

As part of the latest release, we have also implemented several improvements and bug fixes.

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