Level Maps Pro 1.0 Product Release

Improving the learning experience was always important for us. That’s why we have already created the Designer course format — letting teachers customize the look and feel of a course tremendously. We are very happy about how Designer and Designer Pro have been received by Moodle HQ and the community and of course by our customers, but we did not want to stop there.

That’s why today, we’re announcing a whole new era of course design. With our latest course format “Level Maps“, teachers can gamify their courses. A course using level maps is literally another world. With Level Maps, learning can be fun! It lets you turn Moodle courses into learning worlds quickly and easily. It becomes a visual learning pathway, with the activities layed out as objects in the learning world — or hidden as “Easter Eggs”.

But need to take our word for it, look for yourself:

Level Maps Pro is available on bdecent.de from today. As always, we will contribute a version to the Moodle plugin directory later this year. And we’re already working on the next release of Level Maps Pro with even more gamification features to truly create a game-like experience. Stay tuned for more!

Learn more about Level Maps on our product page, where you can also buy it directly.

Or head over to labs.bdecent.de and check out our demo courses.

We really hope you’ll like it as much as we do!

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