Deft response


The deft response block allows teachers to interact live with students directly in a Moodle.

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The deft response block allows teachers to interact live with students directly in a Moodle using live texts, choices and comments. On top of that, Deft 1.1 introduces audio conferencing.

How it works

Deft is a polling service which allows instant “live” changes to the Moodle site. Whenever something happens in the deft block, all users which are currently seeing the block are notified that something has changed. User data or actual content never leaves your Moodle site. The deft response block relies on the service to make it instant/live. It will work without it though, too, it just won’t be live anymore (i.e. not change without refreshing the page).

An external service is available to enable updating the contents in users browsers via the websocket protocol. The service is free for testing and limited usage, but will be capped for larger sites without a service agreement in the future. The service is linked as an External Tool (LTI), but user information is not shared with the service other than what is necessary to provide connection i.e IP number associated with block’s context.

Licensing and usage

The service will remain free for smaller sites, but sites with larger usage may require a service agreement after 60 day to prevent usage restrictions.


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