

Create better courses with ready made course templates.

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Kickstart is a new course format which helps teachers and organizations to create better courses. Instead of the empty skeleton teachers usually find (and sometimes even students), this course format provides up to three course templates to make creating a course a lot easier. Admins can create templates from any course using the backup process and uploading the .mbz to the course format’s template management.
Other moodle plugins enable the course creator to use templates when creating the courses; we believe that this is already useful in many cases. However, in many organizations, the course creator is not the person who actually creates the courses’s contents and structure. Therefor our plugin provides the option to choose a template not when creating the course, but when opening the already existing course with editing rights.
Features of the plugin:
  • Import ready-made course templates
  • Add a site-wide instructions for teachers (which can be adjusted on a per course basis), explaining them how to use their new course
  • Add a site-wide instructions for students (which can be adjusted on a per course basis), explaining them what to do if the course is still empty
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We would love to know if you like it, please let us know your feedback.
And: we’re always open for suggestions how to improve the plugin!


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