The timeline layout is ideal for visualizing events over time, particularly when paired with the site logs data source.
Using the timeline layout, administrators can represent information as boxes corresponding to specific points on a timeline. These points can be labeled by selecting a data source for the displayed information.
Each infobox within the timeline layout features a timestamp and can be tailored to display relevant information. Administrators have the flexibility to define subheadings, select icons, and integrate three body fields displaying text, dates, links, or images.
When utilizing the Site logs data source, administrators can select a badge color field, assigning different color codes to timeline events. This feature offers quick insights into event outcomes, such as success, deletion, warning, or informational events.
We have set up a course for this layout on our demo page. There, you will find various implementation examples along with descriptions of their respective settings.

Leverage the timeline layout to visually represent the availability of new courses for users with timestamp using the data source courses.
This timeline shows all site log events related to one specific course using the data source site logs. The green color indicates a successful event, the blue color is just information.

Showcase a user enrollment list with the timeline layout. Using the site logs data source filtered for user enrollments, this Dash block provides a comprehensive overview with timestamps, all in one glance.
Craft your own hall of fame for completed courses using the courses data source and the timeline layout.