Administrators have the flexibility to craft an unlimited number of dashboards with highly adaptable layouts. These dashboards can incorporate various Dash blocks alongside other blocks, offering a seamless blend of dynamic and static content. Additionally, Dash introduces a specialized content block type, enriching dashboards with static information amidst dynamic elements. Coupled with flexible design options, Dash enables the implementation of almost any website design and automatically optimizes it for mobile use.
In essence, Dash serves as a robust page builder, granting admins a plethora of design possibilities without reliance on templates. In addition to its design capabilities, Dash facilitates the implementation of a wide range of conceptual ideas and use cases thanks to its modularity.
For example, administrators can use dashboards to create beautiful course preview pages filled with metadata and information to pique student interest. In addition, dynamic pages full of information can be created effortlessly, with access restricted based on various criteria. Furthermore, admins can seamlessly integrate dashboards into course navigation, offering enriched course experiences to learners.
✔️ Dynamic pages
Incorporate various Dash blocks within dashboards, enabling administrators to curate dynamic and informative pages.
✔️ Customization for specific target groups
Tailor each dashboard to specific purposes and audiences with flexible layouts and data sources.
✔️ Access restriction
Show dashboards to selected user groups only.