To take part in an event or course via a campaign, users must first register using a registration form. Next to a campaign title and a campaign description, admins can pre-set profile information as well as define various form fields such as name, password, email or country to be required or not. Additionally, there is a privacy policy option. Here, a consent statement can be integrated that must be confirmed before sign up.
Moreover, it is possible to define the authentication method. Moodle offers multiple methods to manage this process, ensuring secure and controlled user access. Apart from the standard Moodle authentication methods, admins can simply choose “Magic authentication” to make registration as simple as possible.
For security reasons, admins can enable or disable the reCAPTCHA feature on the campaign form as well as force users to confirm their account with an email before the sign up is complete. This setting is only applicable for new user accounts created via a campaign.
After submitting the form, admins can define a redirect to a summary page or to an URL to ensure a convenient user journey.

This simple registration form collects standard information. Registration is possible with user name and password.
The goal in this example is to enroll contacts made at a study fair into an introductory course about the university and its academic programs.
Here, entering an email address is sufficient, as registration is done through Magic authentication, meaning a Magic link will be sent via email. Additionally, further details need to be provided in the form, such as information on origin, institution, etc.

In this form, the terms and conditions must be accepted before one can sign up.
With this ultra minimal sign up you only need the email address.